Today Zaida turned 7! I can’t believe she is 7 already! Last fall when I posted about her being diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) I never imagined we would get to her 7th birthday. Since I consider Zaida my child, thinking that she would not make it to her

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next birthday or other major milestones was definitely something that I thought about. Well, I am SO happy to say she has made it through Christmas, college graduation, her birthday and at the end of this week our big move to our new place for grad school! Today she celebrated her birthday by attempting to eat her fur sister’s kitten food, ate potatoes directly off of her Nana’s plate when she wasn’t looking, snuck into the garbage and then ate way too many treats to get her annual birthday photo. Today is a celebration of more than her birthday but of the milestones she has done medically. I am so incredibly thankful today.







Birthday Bandana: Petco


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